Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a significant part of every aspect of people’s lives, including education, and still holds a vast potential that has yet to emerge. From the...

Climate change, a phenomenon fueled by anthropogenic factors, is one of the most pressing issues in the whole world. It detrimentally affects every aspect of human lives as well...

As technology advances and artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a significant part of our daily lives, smart cities are emerging as the face of this new era. These cities utilize...

With the rapid enhancement in the field of technology, the concept of Artificial Intelligence and the possibility of utilizing it for different tasks became realistic. As time flies, the...

Nowadays AI technologies are playing a crucial role in bettering Quality Assurance as well as industry, innovation and infrastructure. Artificial Intelligence is dramatically altering QA across industries as it...

It is considered that the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the healthcare field has brought about a significant change in the medical landscape. AI is moderately altering the...