Is Food Security a Choice?

Bekbayeva Yrysty

6 февраля, 2022

Food security is an individual’s ability to have access to enough nutritious food. The United Nations Committee on World Food Security stated that “food security also meets an individual’s food preferences and dietary needs for active and healthy lifestyles”.

Food insecurity is a global issue that is facing millions of people. Although governments can play a significant role to improve the food security of their citizens, being food secure is quite possible even without governmental programs and their support. There are some steps that we need to follow, both as individuals and as a community, to ensure food insecurity reduction and help people in need.

Firstly, people can maintain lands to produce high-quality food. The poor and food-insecure population cannot afford to buy high-quality food, which is why they can consider growing nourishing food in their backyard, keeping a safe food source. An unused plot of land could be turned into a community garden. Community gardens are cultivated by a group of people in which members plant vegetables, herbs and share the produce within their community. Today, the new wave of garden communities is widely observed as not only a way to fight food-insecurity, but also as a way to bring communities closer together. 

Secondly, buy local food. Today, food travels thousands of miles and is delivered across the oceans to global consumers. Consequently, a significant proportion of food is wasted in the packaging and transportation stages. It leaves many populations at risk if something disrupts the supply chain. Furthermore, this decreases the resiliency of communities to rely on their local food system. Local food makes communities more adaptable and sustainable. Buying local products has a multiplier effect on the regional economy that can contribute to mitigating these threats. By supporting local farmers, customers can be sure of production security rather than buying unknown overseas products. 

Thirdly, organize a food drive. A food drive is a charity event organized by a group of people to distribute collected food to poor families. Extra non-perishable items can be handed out to those in need rather than going to waste. One box of donations can provide up to 25 meals. We can’t end food insecurity alone. Learn about the issue and start sharing resources with friends and neighbors. 

Last, but not least, community involvement. Hunger and poverty are global problems which continue to have a devasting impact on the sustainability of our planet. When faced with the facts, it can appear overwhelming to the average citizen searching for a solution, but if we focus on making an impact in our community, even simple actions such as voicing concerns at a town hall meeting, or volunteering at a local food bank could play an essential role in reducing food insecurity.

To conclude, the wide range of government programs and supporting organizations are essential and contribute to solving food insecurity. Nevertheless, food security could be addressed through individual efforts and community networking which means that it’s your choice to make a difference.

Reference list

  1. Fahy, A. (2021). What is food security? Concern Worldwide.  Retrieved from:

  1. Smith, J. (2020). 8 Best Ways to Combat Food Insecurity in Your Community Prevention. Retrieved from:

  1. McNally S. (2011).  8 Ways to Be Food Secure Reader’s Digest Canada. Retrieved from:  8 Ways to Be Food Secure (
  2. Advocate. Move for Hunger. Retrieved from:

  1. Folk E. (2020). Local food and global food security. Ecologist. Retrieved from: